WARNING! Apparently the world is going to end in 2012. As two Australian girls, for the past 21 years (42 collectively) we have come to only one conclusion about men: WE DON'T GET THEM! So, because we are supposedly running out of time, we are going to try and figure them out. We hereby dedicate this blog to decoding men before the world ends!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Is there something wrong with us?

We have been dating for the last four years with, pretty much, nothing to show for it. At the end of four years between us there has only been one proper relationship that died, and only a few glimpses of hope in a string of dating disasters. From bad kissers and dressers, dull conversationists and stalkers, to men who simply disappear after a great date, or happen to live in San Diego. As more and more people around us begin to pair up and even, god forbid, get engaged, we have to ask ourselves: is there something wrong with us?
We think we are pretty normal girls ... we look nice when we go out, we can talk to guys, we can make and share a joke, we don't smell weird or have bad teeth - does this not make us dateable? Even though four years and a heck of alot of dating experience has passed, we still feel like we're back at square one. But with age also comes a teensy bit of wisdom, and we've composed a few reasons as to why we might be un-dateable:
1. We go to the wrong places - we've done the club and pub circuit, where else do we meet men? Do we follow Cleo's advice and join a martial arts class?
2. We dress too fashionably - experience has showed us that guys don't necessarily like what is fashionable, so at what point does fashion make you a freak? Should we shed our head-scarves, over-sized jewellery and heels for jeans and a t-shirt?
3. We are too unapproachable - sitting in a big group of girls is probably not the best invitation, but where do you draw the line between 'no friends' and 'too many friends'?
4. We are too loud and like to have fun - generally this would seem like an attractive quality, but it seems to work against us. Is toning ourselves down the answer?
5. We act too keen - we exchange numbers, sometimes go on a date and then might text a guy a few days later, but does this make us seem like stalkers?
6. Our standards are too high - our friends tell us that we are 'too good' for the guy that only calls once a week, but are we expecting too much?
Your guess is as good as ours. Any thoughts or suggestions?