WARNING! Apparently the world is going to end in 2012. As two Australian girls, for the past 21 years (42 collectively) we have come to only one conclusion about men: WE DON'T GET THEM! So, because we are supposedly running out of time, we are going to try and figure them out. We hereby dedicate this blog to decoding men before the world ends!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Are dates becoming more extinct than the tamagotchi?

Okay, we have a question: what has happened to good old fashioned dating? People never go on dates anymore! Going on a date seems SO rare these days that we're beginning to think they are just an urban myth.

Let us explain. There is a new dating ritual overtaking the sanctity of the first date. We call it the 'Let's meet up at the place where I met you! movement'. And let's be honest, we're less than impressed by it. We're not saying that we are against this idea completely. Sure, it takes the pressure off. It gives both people the safety net of familiarity to make them feel at ease and usually their friends are present, ready to swoop into wingwoman/wingman action much quicker than the time it takes to buy a drink in a Sydney bar/club to diffuse any awkward situations or bad conversation topics. But, we think asking someone on a proper date says much more about you. Especially since it's becoming apparent to us that dates aren't happening very much these days. We've been on the so-called dating scene for a number of years now and well, dates are more rare than finding a free parking spot in Kings Cross on a Saturday night. Ironic, that it's called the dating scene when not many dates are taking place! It's not just us who are finding that dates are uncommon, we do intense research, meaning we talk to our friends (sometimes even stretch out to friends of friends and/or strangers) and peruse womens magazines, and the verdict is in: dates are deader than Crocs*.

We wonder if it's an age thing? Boys our age, let's say from 21 to 24, do not ask us on dates! They are strong followers of this new anti-dating movement. Older guys (25 to 27-year-olds) seem to ask us on dates. 21 to 24-year-old boys, listen here, you need to get your act together!

Now, we don't think if you ask us on a date, it automatically means you're thinking about the future or anything. So, don't freak out! Hello, we just met. Dates are simply about getting to know one another better in a fun and friendly environment. Who doesn't love the butterflies of a first date? And who knows what might happen? You might end up going on a few more follow-up dates only to realise you have found a great friend to go to the beach with or a travelling buddy. The worst thing that can happen is that you discover you aren't that compatible for each other and decide to leave things as they were. You could end up being in a relationship and therefore, you probably wouldn't read this blog anymore! And you might just have some fun in the process.

So, get out there! Ask someone on a date. Just asking someone on a date immediately earns you brownie points and you haven't even been on the date yet! We say, go on dates whenever you can. Have fun! And if you're one of the followers of the 'Let's meet up at the place where I met you! movement', that's fine with us, but we think you should definitely give good old fashioned dating a try next time. You might actually like it.

*Those rubber shoes that are supposedly really comfortable. However, there's no excusing that they're ugly and that you shouldn't wear them unless you are actually a crocodile or need shoes while swimming.

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